Saturday, September 13, 2008

Month 4 - When will it end?

Sorry again for the delay. Lots of personal issues going on. This kind of surgery and recovery can take a toll on ones life. My bf moved out and since it was his camera I have not had too many photos taken lol

So it has been 4 months now and I am still numb. Doc told me today that it may take up to a year. It is getting better and better each day so I am hopeful it's not permanent. My cheeks feel a little tight. My bottom lip on the right side and the chin on the right side are still tingly. The stiffness in my chin has gone down quite a bit. It still always feels tight on my lip. As if they are really dry and shrinking. No amount of chapstick or lip balm helps though.

I can eat pretty normally now. No issues. Feels weird on some of the bottom right teeth since the nerves are still repairing so I tend to chew on the left side.

I can still feel the holes in the bones on my chin. They are filling in but I can still tell where the gaps were. Supposed to take at least 6 months for them to fill in completely.

Getting used to the new face. Luckily the hair is getting lighter and so not such a drastic change. I like the cut now. The jawline is smoothing out so I don't feel so masculine.

Keeping my fingers crossed that recovery continues!