Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Week 3 - Many steps forward, one back

So it's been 3 weeks since surgery and I have the wires off. I am now able to eat soft foods failry normally. By the end of the week I was able to get rid of the mirror. Can open my mouth much better. Still don't know if I have something on my chin so my boyfriend has to let me know. Getting feeling back in many areas. The tingling is much better. Still hurts to talk for long periods of time. My upper cheeks are not used to having braces so they are pretty raw.Had a 2 hour job interview and it wasn't too bad. Over the phone they didn't really notice anything wrong. Most of the swelling is gone so it's not too noticeable by strangers. Occasionally I can't get things out properly. I slur some words but I warned them up front so they wouldn't think its permanent.
So I did take one step back. I have an infection in my lower left jaw. Small acute area of swelling that is sensitive to touch. I was really tired all weekend because my body was trying to fight the infection. The antibiotics are odd. Have to take them every 4 hours and can't lie down for 30 minutes after. So when I get off track I have to wake up at odd hours of the night and sit up for a half hour. Not good for the sleep.

Looking forward to the day everything gets back to normal.

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